He showed me a woman more beautiful than any other, who was ugly because of her vanity.
I asked God why He'd allowed me to become old.
He showed me a boy of 16, who lay dead at the scene of a car accident.
I asked God why I didn't have a bigger house.
He showed me a family of six, who had just been evicted from their tiny shack, and were forced, to live on the street.
I asked God why I had to work.
He showed me a man, who couldn't find a decent job, because he'd never learned to read.
I asked God why I wasn't more popular.
He showed me a socialite with a thousand friends, who all left the moment the money and parties were no longer there.
I asked God why I wasn't smarter.
He showed me a natural born genius, serving life in prison for making ill use of his knowledge.
I asked God why He put up with a thankless sinner like me.
He showed me His Bible. He showed me His Son who took my place at the judgment.
I knew then how much He loved me.
What's eating you today?
Are your problems weighing heavy on your heart?
Know, then, that you are loved.
Have a WONDERFUL day!
Brighten someone else's day, in any way you care to.
Remember, a candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.
Just reach out and touch someone's life and brighten up his or her day.
I've been through the Storm, But Look at Me I'm Still Standing, I'm Still Here...
If it doesn't kill you... it will make you stronger.
"If you see people without a smile today, give them one of yours!"
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