????1. 38% of doctors in America are INDIANS.
????2. 12% of the scientist in America are INDIANS.
????3. 28% of the IBM employees in the world are INDIANS.
????4. 36% of the NASA employees are INDIANS.
????5. 17% of the INTEL employees in the world are INDIANS.
????6. 34% of the MICROSOFT employees are INDIANS.
????7. Sanskrit is the mother language of all the European languages. WHICH MEANS SWEDISH TOO.
????8. SANSKRIT is most suitable language for computer software reported in Forbes magazine, 1987.
????9. CHESS was invented in INDIA.
????10. Creator and founder of HOTMAIL is INDIAN (SABEER BHATIA).
????11. Aryabhatta who was from INDIA, invented the number ZERO.
????12. INDIANS invented the NUMBER SYSTEM.
????13. ALGEBRA was invented in INDIA.
????14. CALCULAS and TRIGNOMETRY came from INDIA.
????15. The general manager of HEWLETT PACKARD (HP) is INDIAN (RAJIV GUPTA).
????16. Vinod Khosla, an Indian-American businessman and venture capitalist was
one of the co-founders of Sun Microsystems, and served as its first CEO
and Chairman in the early 1980s.
????17. Creator of the PENTIUM CHIP(90% of the today's Computer runs on it) is INDIAN (VINOD DAHM).
????18. BHUDHYANA first calculated the value of pi (3.14), and he
explained the concept of what is known as the Pythagorean theorem. he
discovered this in the 6th century long before the European
????19. We have almost 5600 different newspapers and 3500 different magazines with approximately 120 million readers every day.
????20. SUSHRUTA (from India) is the father of SURGERY. 2600 year ago he
and health scientist of his time conducted complicated surgeries like
--> artificial limbs, fractures, urinary stones and even plastic
surgery and brain surgery
????21. LAXMI MITTAL (Steel King) is the richest man in ENGLAND. His
house in England is the most expensive house in the world, more than 70
million pounds.
????22. ALBERT EINSTEIN once said:- We own a lot to the INDIANS,who
taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific have been
????23. INDIA has the THIRD largest army in the world with more than 105 million men......
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Monday, January 13, 2014
Light Stuff II
Five facts about You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You.
1. You're so lazy You didn't read all the You's.
2. You didn't notice I put a Yoo.
3. You are now looking to find out.
4. You are laughing because you realise there is no 'Yoo' and you've been tricked.
5. You are going to forward this to others who are like 'YOU'!??
I know at least 13 things about you now:
1. You are holding your phone.
2. You are on Whatsapp.
3. You just opened my msg.
4. You are now reading it.
5. You are human.
7. You can't say the letter "P" without separating your lips.
8. You just attempted to do it.
9. You are laughing at yourself.
10. You have smiles on your face.
11. You skipped No.6
12. You just checked to see if there is a No.6
13. You are laughing at this because I caught you.
Hahaha is it true? ???
If u smiled then Share this right now!
1. You're so lazy You didn't read all the You's.
2. You didn't notice I put a Yoo.
3. You are now looking to find out.
4. You are laughing because you realise there is no 'Yoo' and you've been tricked.
5. You are going to forward this to others who are like 'YOU'!??
I know at least 13 things about you now:
1. You are holding your phone.
2. You are on Whatsapp.
3. You just opened my msg.
4. You are now reading it.
5. You are human.
7. You can't say the letter "P" without separating your lips.
8. You just attempted to do it.
9. You are laughing at yourself.
10. You have smiles on your face.
11. You skipped No.6
12. You just checked to see if there is a No.6
13. You are laughing at this because I caught you.
Hahaha is it true? ???
If u smiled then Share this right now!
Body Paint
It's Only Paint
Body painting by a 19 year old Japanese girl.
Warning! This is so well-done it's almost creepy.
100 facts about Nigeria
1. Nigeria, with a 2013 estimated population of 174,507,539 is the most
populous Black nation and the 7th most populated nation in the entire
world, trailing after—from least to most—Pakistan, Brazil, Indonesia,
USA, India and China (1.3bn).
2. Nigerians are 1/5th the total population of Black Africa.
Nigeria, with 521 languages has the fourth most in the world. This
includes 510 living languages, two second languages without native
speakers and 9 extinct languages.
The Portuguese reached Nigeria in 1472. In 1880 the British began
conquering Nigeria’s south. The north was conquered by 1903.
5. Wole Soyinka is a Nigerian Nobel laureate. He wrote ‘Telephone Conversation!’
6. With a net worth of $16.1bn, Nigeria’s Aliko Dangote is the richest Black person in the world.
7. Yoruba and their bloodlines worldwide have the highest rate of twinning (having twins) in the world.
8. The 2006 Census found Nigerians to be the highest educated ethnic or racial group in America.
The Northern knot, Arewa insignia has Christian origins, investigation
by Ibraheem A. Waziri revealed. It is adapted from the Church Celtic
Pre-tribalism: Malam Umaru Altine, a northern Fulani man was the first
elected Mayor of Enugu, in the east, and was even re-elected for a
second term.
Pre-tribalism: John Umoru, from Etsako in today’s Edo State (Western
region) was elected for the House of Assembly to represent Port Harcourt
in the Eastern Nigerian House of Assembly.
The Colonial Cantonments Proclamation of 1914 established ‘foreign
quarters,’ ‘Sabon Gari,’ institutionalizing the Sabon Garuruwa system of
‘foreigner’ residential segregation in Nigeria.
Crispin Curtis Adeniyi-Jones (1876-1957) who the street in Ikeja,
‘Adeniyi-Jones’ was named after, was a medical director from Sierra
Leone (a Saro). As a co-founder of NNDP, he won one of the Lagos 3
legislative council seats in 1923 and represented Nigerians for 15 yrs.
14. Saros was the name given to 19th and 20th century ‘Creole’ African literati migrants from Sierra Leone.
Amaros was the name for repatriated Brazilian and Cuban slaves; the
‘Aguda’ people of Lagos today. This Brazilian community includes
deportees of the brave “Malê Revolt” in Portugal.
British colonization was not all voluntary ‘happy slave trade,’ but
involved brutal terror against non-cooperation and stiff opposition.
Captain Lord Esme Gordon Lenox, ‘With The West African Frontier Force,’
describes: “…we stormed down to Amassana, which was a town supposed to
be friendly and fined them 25 goats and 20 chickens for non-assistance,
then returned to Agbeni and burned half…October 1st
was spent in continuance of yesterdays incendiraism by burning every
town or farm we could see. I shudder to think of how many houses we have
destroyed in these two days. On our way back to Egbbeddi in the
afternoon we passed by Sabagreia and told our old friend Chief Ijor that
most likely we should burn down Sabagreia the next day…”
Nigeria’s population was just 16 million in 1911. It is projected to
hit 444 million by 2050, surpassing the US and becoming the 4th largest
in the world.
18. The population of Lagos today is about more than the total population of all Eastern states combined.
19. Lagos’ population in 1872 was 60,000. By 2015 it will be the third largest city in the entire world.
20. Nigeria’s north (719,000 sq. km), occupies 80% of Nigeria’s land mass. In size it is four times the South.
1st republic Aviation Minister, Chief Mbazulike Amaechi hid former
South African President, Nelson Mandela, for six months in Nigeria to
evade his arrest by the apartheid regime.
Gangsta: In 1984 under the disciplinary Buhari/Idiagbon government,
there was a sophisticated attempt to kidnap and repatriate ex-civilian
regime minister of transport, Umaru Dikko from the UK, anesthetized in a
freight crate, for the embezzlement of $1bn under the Shagari regime.
Valor: Part of the ‘Forgotten Army,’ Nigerians volunteered to fight
with the allied forces among the 81st and 82nd West African Divisions,
in the Second World War.
The Adubi war in 1918 was a major uprising by 30,000 Abeokuta Ebga
warriors against the colonial government for colonization, taxation and
slave labor. One British was killed and rail and telegraph lines
destroyed. The British rewarded their soldiers with medals for quelling
the uprising. Awape Adediran a Molashin/ Kingmaker was imprisoned for
his active involvement.
Activist Mrs. Fumilayo Ransome-Kuti travelled widely, including to the
Eastern bloc (Hungary, USSR and China where she met Mao Zedong). These
interactions angered Nigeria, Britain and America. America called her a
communist and refused her a U.S. Visa.
Mrs. Fumilayo Ransome-Kuti, legendary Fela’s mother, was one of the
delegates that negotiated Nigeria’s independence in Britain.
Once upon a time, the north was the more literate part of Nigeria.
According to Lord Luggard, there were 25,000 Qur’anic Arabic schools
with about 250,000 pupils in the north.
Sardauna of Sokoto said he preferred foreign workers to Igbo’s because
he felt Igbo’s are domineering. This was while Nigeria existed as
regions with regional administrations.
29. Kaduna Nzeogwu killed Sardauna in Nigeria’s first military coup.
In 1966, a mischievous Igbo owned bakery allegedly made a loaf of bread
with a label that depicted Nzeogwu as the Saint in the ‘Saint George
and the Dragon’ medieval tale, killing Sardauna, the ‘dragon,’ this
labeled bread provoked deadly anti-Igbo riots.
Idrîs Aloma (1571-1603) King of Kanem-Bornu went on pilgrimage and came
across firearms. He brought some guns back, along with Turks to train
his army on how to use them.
32. Travel Visa was not required to travel to the United Kingdom till 1984.
33. A brand new car sold for N2000 in 1975. A ticket to London was less than N100 in 1975.
34. In 1976, 75 kobo exchanged for one British Pound and 60 kobo for one US dollar.
35. A dollar was 90 kobo at the beginning of Babangida’s term in 1985.
36. Nigeria took its first loan from the World Bank in 1977.
37. Obasanjo’s first term and Babangida’s regime oversaw the weakening of the naira.
38. General Buhari and Idiagbon rejected IMF demands that Nigeria devalue its currency.
Babangida’s coup in 1985 was invaluable to the colonialists suspected
to have been in support as it led to Nigeria accepting SAP restrictions,
loans and crippling foreign monetary conditions.
Nigeria has 5 of the 10 richest pastors in the entire world, with net
worth’s according to Forbes, from $10-150 million. They are Pastors,
David Oyedepo, E. A. Adeboye, Chris Oyakhilome, Mathew Ashimolowo and
Temitope Joshua.
Nigeria has the 4th highest number of poor, living under a dollar a day
in the entire world. 100 million are ‘destitute’ according to figures
from the NBS (National Bureau of Statistics).
42. Nigeria, the 3rd biggest economy in Africa is 160th out of 177 countries in HDI (Human Development Index).
43. Nigeria has the highest paid legislators in the entire world.
44. Based on amount squandered, of an income of $81 billion per year, Nigeria is the most corrupt nation in the world.
The nation with the most defrauded people, aka ‘mugus,’ in history, is
Nigeria. Successive administrations continue to loot a greater
percentage of the nation’s wealth, running in hundreds of billions of
46. Nigeria in 2013 was rated the worst country to be born based on welfare and prosperity projection.
Aliko Dangote funded Presidents Obasanjo, Yar’Adua and Jonathan’s 4th
republic campaigns. Buhari rejected funding from Dangote.
Usman dan Fodio (1754–1817) was trained in classical Islamic science,
philosophy and theology and wrote over 100 books on society, culture,
religion, governance and politics. He could only declare Jihad when he
was made leader in Gudu {In Islam you can only declare Jihad if you are
an official Muslim leader}.
The Borno Empire rejected Dan Fodio’s colonization jihad. Al-Hajj
Muhammad al-Amîn ibn Muhammad al-Kânemî not only militarily defended his
Empire, but also did so by religious, theological, legal and political
debates, challenging why a Muslim Empire should colonize another.
50. Kano history has it that a great warrior princess Magajiya Maimuna led her cavalry from Zaria to conquer Kumbwada.
Kumbwada in Kano today is ruled by Queen Hajiya Haidzatu Ahmed, who
presides over up to half a million subjects. A throne curse which makes
men sick and die, keeps males off the throne. {Sadly, the woman ruled
Kumbwada is the least funded chiefdom in Nigeria}.
52. Ivory Coast (Côte d’Ivoire) is Nigeria’s leading trade partner in Africa.
53. There are several Nigerian officials in the government of English speaking The Gambia.
There is a Nigerian origin, Yoruba chief in Accra. Chief Brimah is the
only foreign Chief with a seat in the Ghanaian traditional council.
Cross River State: The Ejagham (Ekoi) people in the Southeast are
believed to have originated the Nsibidi (Nsibiri) writing system which
later spread to the Efik, Igbo, Ibibio, Efut, Banyang and Annag peoples.
Discovered in 1928, Nigeria’s North and North Central region hosts West
Africa’s oldest civilization; the Nok, which flourished between 1000 BC
and 300 BC. {Nok sculptures recently went on display disappointingly in
Germany (not Africa).}
Finished in 1460 the Benin Iya or moat is a historic world defense
wonder. Spanning 1,200 kilometers with walls as high as 18 metres, it is
the world’s largest archeological structure.
Sungbo’s Eredo in Ogun state (6°49′N, 3°56′E) is a 100 mile system of
up to 70 ft trenches and walls around Ijebu-Ode. It’s Queen, Bilkisu
Sungbo has been attributed to the Biblical Queen Sheeba (Queen Bilkis in
Lord Lugard estimated in 1904 that there were 170 walled towns still in
existence in the whole of just the Kano province of northern Nigeria.
He described Kano: ‘Commercial emporium of the western Sudan.’ Of its
wall, he said, ‘I have never seen, nor even imagined, anything like it
in Africa.’
Osun: Queen Luwo, the twenty-first Ooni (ruler) of Ile-Ife paved the
streets with quartz pebbles—and broken pottery, in 1000AD. The
architecture had decorations that originated from Ancient America.
Borno: The capital city of Kanem-Borno, Ngazargamu, was one of the
largest cities in 1658 AD; the metropolis housed “about quarter of a
million people” and had 660 well planned, wide and unbending streets.
In 1246 AD the Kanemi of Borno created a sensation in Tunisia when he
sent a gift of a giraffe to Al-Mustapha, king of Tunis.
Sokoto: Two-story buildings with constructions glazed with tsoluwa,
(laterite gravel), 10 mile circumference city walls, some as high as 20
feet, is how 16th century Surame, a Sokoto metropolis created by empire
ruler, Muhammadu Kanta Sarkin Kebbi, was. UNESCO describes Surame as
“one of the wonders of human history, creativity and ingenuity.”
Kano: In 1851, this city, one of the largest in Africa, made 10 million
sandal pairs and 5 million hides for export every year.
Kebbi: Nigeria’s Sorko Sea lords of Kebbi state, made ships (Kanta)
which were used for far away expeditions, including the 1311 AD, 2000
ship, famous voyage of Songhai Empire’s Mansa Abubakari II to the
America’s, decades before Columbus.
Yobe: The oldest discovered boat in Africa, and 3rd oldest on the
world, the 8500 yr old Dufuna canoe was discovered by a Fulani herdsman
in 1987 in Dufuna village, Fune LGA.
Ondo: Confusing evolution scientists, the 13,000 yr old Iwo-Eleru cave
skull, the oldest human fossil remains found in West Africa, has
‘ancient’ (140,000 yr old Laetoli) features, yet lived in more modern
Benin Kingdom: The high quality and highly sophisticated bronze work of
the Benin Kingdom dating as far back as the 13th century is a world
wonder. Great works in iron, wood, ivory, and terra cotta products also
highlight the empire’s history.
Benin Kingdom: Lourenco Pinto, captain of a ship that carried
missionaries to Warri in 1619, described Benin kingdom, ‘Great Benin
where the king resides is larger than Lisbon, all the streets run
straight and as far as the eyes can see….’
Akwa Ibom: King Jaja of Opobo (1821–1891) founded Opobo city-state in
1867 and shipped palm oil to Britain independently of British middle
Ancient Greeks appear to have Nigerian roots as supported by the Benin
Haplogroup or Haplogroup 19. According to Jide Uwechia, ‘The Benin
Haplotype (which originates from Nigeria, West Africa) accounts for HbS
associated chromosomes in Sicily Northern Greece.’
Ilorin’s Oba Afonja utilized Fulani warriors to help rebel against the
Oyo Empire. The warriors after defeating Oyo took over Ilorin and Sheikh
Alimi, their leader became the first Emir.
73. Much of north Nigeria was part of the Songhai Empire. Muhammad Kanta annexed Kebbi and other states between 1512 and 1517.
74. The Obasanjo military regime converted Nigeria from a Parliamentary system to a Presidential system of government.
Much of traditional pre-colonial Nigeria operated a parliamentary form
of government. The council of elders could make or impeach the King.
General Johnson Thomas Umurakwe Aguiyi-Ironsi on 24 May 1966, with
Decree No. 34, dissolved Nigeria’s regions, creating provinces. He
unified Regional Public Services under a single Commission. Riots were
provoked in Kano and mutiny in Abeokuta; eventually there was a coup.
77. In 1967 Gowon split the four regions into 12 states.
78. Gowon’s Decree No. 8 of 1967 after the Aburi conference restored Nigeria as a confederacy.
Late President Murtala Muhammed’s dad, Pam Azatus Iyok was from
Dogon-Gaba, near Vom in Plateau state, Nigeria’s Middle Belt. Pam became
a Muslim and married Ramat from Kano. Murtala Muhammed’s wife, Hafsat
Ajoke was a Yoruba lady.
Ex- President Yakubu Gowon from Jos state (Middle Belt) is a Christian.
General Obasanjo was his Army chief who helped him defeat the Biafra
attempted secession from 1967-1970.
81. Nigeria has been ruled for 30 years by Christians (25 years if Azikiwe is excluded).
Mujahid Asari Dokubo, the leader of the southern Movement for
Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND) and the most vocal enemy of the
north, is a Muslim.
Nigeria is not roughly divided between a Muslim north and a Christian
South. The far north, east and far south do have concentrations, but the
rest of the nation defies such demarcations.
In the Southwest, Osun, Lagos, Ondo and Oyo have a higher population of
Muslims than Christians according to counts. Benue, Nasarawa and
Plateau in the north have Christian majorities.
According to the Senate joint committee, Nigeria’s chief terrorist
leader, Abubakar Shekau is not a Nigerian; he hails from Niger republic.
{Shekau is believed by security services to be deceased.}
According to current demographics, after Hausa-Fulani (29%), Yoruba
(21%), Igbo (18%) and Ijaw (10%) comes Kanuri (4%) and then Ibibio
(3.5%) and Tiv (2.5%).
Not really a northern caucus, but it was late M. K. O. Abiola that
orchestrated and sponsored the Buhari /Idiagbon coup and then again the
Babangida coup overthrow of Buhari. –Shagari memoir, “Beckoned to
Serve;” Babangida, “Karl Maier – Midnight in Nigeria.” (Max Siollun)
The leading caucus is basically a childhood friendship: President
Obasanjo was childhood friends with President Babangida, President
Abacha and Commander Danjuma.
89. President Babangida was childhood friends with President Abdulsalam.
President Obasanjo graduated Abdulsalam who later became President and
went on to hand over power to democratically arranged President
91. Under the Presidential system, Nigerians have had 7 years total Northern rule and 11+ years Southern rule.
92. Total civilian rule, Parliamentary and Presidential, Nigeria has had 12 years Northern and 11+ years Southern rule.
6 coups is the highest number of any nation in Africa. Nigeria along
with Sierra Leone, Ethiopia, Uganda and Mauritania are the nations with 6
The Biafra war included a ‘Mid West invasion.’ The Midwest was either a
battle field or in Biafra’s sights—Dr. Nowamagbe A. Omoigui relays.
95. The Biafra 12th battalion headed by Lt Col Victor Adebukunola Banjo captured Benin and set out to capture Ibadan and Lagos.
96. The Biafra 13th battalion, led by Ivenso entered Kwara, now Kogi and captured Okene, Atanai and Iloshi.
Cameroon was an administrative part of Nigeria in 1945, hence the NCNC
party (National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroons). Towards
independence the UN mandated British held former German territory, south
Cameroon opted to join French Cameroon and not Nigeria.
J.C. Vaughn, Ernest Ikoli, H.O. Davies, Obafemi Awolowo and Sam Tsuiuel
Akinsanya founded the Nigerian Youth Movement (NYM) in 1934 to promote
national unity particularly between Yoruba and Igbo.
Azikiwe left Nigerian Youth Movement (NYM) because he claimed the
organization had been seized by Yoruba’s and it discriminated against
Igbo’s including himself.
Oyo defeats Ashanti: In 1764 the Ashanti army marched on Dahomey, Togo.
At Atakpamé, the Ashanti army was ambushed and sacked by Dahomean
infantry and female elite soldiers allied with forces from the Oyo
Empire. Ashanti King Kusi Obodum was destooled after the defeat.
century compilation was created as a historical snapshot of peculiar
events, for our benefit and that of Nigeria’s younger generations. It
was compiled to the best of our ability and influenced by our learning,
recollection and prejudices. We invite Nigerians to collect and share
with us more important and unique events that define 100 years of
Nigeria. Resources utilized here can be found on ENDS.ng.
1. He spoke out against frivolous spending by the Church
Source: catholic-ew.org.uk
average set of cardinal’s clothes costs as much as $20,000. In October,
Pope Francis urged officials to dress more modestly and to not squander
such money. In the same month, he ordered a German bishop to explain
how he had spent $3 million on a marble courtyard.
2. He invited a boy with Downs Syndrome for a ride in the Popemobile
During a general audience, Pope Francis invited Alberto di Tullio,
a 17-year-old boy with Downs Syndrome, to ride in his Popemobile while
thousands watched. The boy and his father were said to be "chocked up" when he was embraced by the Pope.
3. He embraced and kissed Vinicio Riva
November saw Pope Francis embrace Vinicio Riva, a man scarred by a genetic disease. Fighting agonising pain on a daily basis, such an act restored the faith of a man who says he is often mocked in public.
4. He denounced the judgment of homosexuals
Francis has stated several times that the Church has no right to
interfere spiritually in the lives of gays and lesbians. Though Francis
maintained the right of the Church to express opinions on homosexuality,
he believed that Christians should not judge or ridicule. This led to
The Advocate, a gay rights magazine, naming Francis the 'single most
influential person of 2013 on the lives of LGBT people.'
5. He held a major ceremony at the chapel of a youth prison
In March, the Pope held a major Holy Week service at Casal del Marmo jail for
minors, rather than the Vatican. During the service, the pope washed
and kissed the feet of 12 young offenders to commemorate Jesus' gesture
of humility towards his apostles on the night before he died. During the
service, he broke tradition by washing the feet of women and Muslims.
6. He urged the protection of the Amazon Rainforest
his visit to Brazil, Pope Francis met with natives who have been
fighting ranchers and farmers attempting to invade their land. He
encouraged that the Amazon be treated as a garden and protected, along
with it's native people.
7. He personally called and consoled a victim of rape
44-year old Argentinian woman, raped by a local policeman, was one of
thousands to write a letter to Pope Francis in 2013. The woman was
surprised when she later received a phone call from Francis himself--who
consoled the woman and told her, “You are not alone.”
8. He snuck out of the Vatican to feed the homeless
recently, it has been discovered that Pope Francis regularly leaves the
Vatican at night to feed the homeless. Dressed as an ordinary priest,
he joins Archbishop Konrad Krajewski to feed the poor of Rome.
9. He auctioned his motorcycle to benefit the homeless
In October, Francis donated his own Harley Davidson motorcycle to fund a hostel and soup kitchen in Rome.
10. He acknowledged that atheists can be good people
in 2013, Pope Francis spoke out against the common interpretation
within the Church that atheists, by nature, are bad people. He stated
that, “Atheists should be seen as good people if they do good.” After
meeting the Pope, the openly atheist president of Uruguay, Jose Mujica,
compared Francis to a friendly neighbor.
11. He condemned the global financial system
May, Francis denounced the global financial system for tyrannizing the
poor and turning humans into expendable consumer goods. He believes
that, “Money has to serve, not to rule!"
12. He fought child abuse
Catholic Church has been rocked in recent years by allegations and
admissions of child abuse by members of the Church. Pope Francis became
the first Pope to take effective action against such atrocities. He ammended Vatican law to make sexual abuse of children a crime, and he also established a committee to fight abuse.
13. He condemned the violence of the Syrian civil war
regard to the use of chemical weapons in Syria, Pope Francis asked for
peace and declared that, "War, never again. Violence never leads to
peace, war leads to war, violence leads to violence.”
14. He redirected employee bonuses to charity
When a new Pope is elected, Vatican employees receive a bonus. Upon his election, the extra money was given to directly to charity instead.
15. He spoke out against the Church’s ‘obsession’ with abortion, gay marriage and contraception
a voice of reason, Francis shocked the Catholic world when he stated
that the Church was an unhealthy obsession with abortion, gay marriage,
and contraception. He criticized the Church for putting dogma before
love, and for prioritizing moral doctrines over serving the poor and
16. He called for cooperation between Christians and Muslims
his Angelus address, Francis paid respect to the end of Ramadan. He
stated that both Christians and Muslims worship the same God, and he
hoped that Christians and Muslims would work together to promote mutual
17. He took part in a selfie
In what might be his most progressive feat of
all, Pope Francis met with youngsters to be part of a truly remarkable
selfie. His is embracing the present, and he is undoubtedly taking the
Church to a more loving and accepting future.
18. He invited homeless men to his birthday meal
December 17, Pope Francis invited a group of homeless men and their dog
into the Vatican to share his birthday meal along with his staff. The
Pope had decided that he wanted a small birthday event, which would do
some good, rather than a large and expensive event.
19. He refused to send away a child who had run on stage to hug him
During the Year of Faith Celebrations, a young boy ran on stage as the Pope was giving a speech. When assistants tried to remove the boy, Francis allowed him to stay.
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