Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Chalk Guy is Back – AMAZING!

Edgar Müller, the Chalk Guy is Back – AMAZING!

Check these out. They truly are unbelievable. 

CHALK GUY IS BACK! Hard to believe that these are drawn on a FLAT sidewalk surface.

It's really difficult to convince your brain that these artworks are on flat surfaces!

Together with up to five assistants, Müller painted all day long from sunrise to sunset.

Some of these pictures appeared on the East Pier in Dun Laoghaire, Ireland, as part of the town’s Festival of World Cultures.

Edgar Müller was born in Mülheim/Ruhr. He grew up in the rural city of Straelen on the western edge of Germany. His fascination with painting began in his childhood, with paintings of rural scenes of Straelen. 

He spent five days, working 12 hours a day, to create the 250 square meter image of the crevasse, which, viewed from the correct angle, appears to be 3D. He then persuaded passers-by to complete the illusion by pretending the gaping hole was real.

‘I wanted to play with positives and negatives to encourage people to think twice about everything they see,’ he said. ‘It was a very scary scene, but when people saw it they had great fun playing on it and pretending to fall into the earth.

‘I like to think that later, when they returned home, they might reflect more on what a frightening scenario it was and say, “Wow, that was actually pretty scary.”

Müller, who has previously painted a giant waterfall in Canada, said he was Inspired by the British ‘Pavement Picasso’ Julian Beever, whose dramatic but more gentle 3D street images have been featured in the Daily Mail.

This guy is amazing no matter how you look at it!


*Our Phones ~ Wireless?
*Cooking ~ Fireless
Cars ~ Keyless?
*Food ~ Fatless
*Tyres ~ Tubeless
*Dress ~ Sleeveless
*Youth ~ Jobless
*Leaders ~ Shameless
*Relationships ~ Meaningless
*Attitude ~ Careless?
*Wives ~ Fearless
*Babies ~ Fatherless
*Feelings ~ Heartless
Education ~ Valueless?
*Children ~ Mannerless
*Politicians ~ Clueless?

Everything is becoming LESS but still our hopes are ~ Endless.

In fact I am ~ Speechless

Friday, May 17, 2013

Good Morning


Description: MHO

Morning is not only sunrise,
But a beautiful miracle of god
That defeats the darkness and spreads light.
May everyday spreads light in your life.

Description: MHO

May your morning be Touched by sunshine and Filled with warmth and joy...
May your day be loaded With happy little surprises And all the things you enjoy...
May your evening be Quiet and relaxing as Your day comes to a close...

Description: MHO

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Robbery in Guangzhou

There was this robbery in Guangzhou, the robber shouted to everyone: 

"All don't move, money belongs to the state, life belongs to you".

Everyone in the bank laid down quietly.

This is called
"Mind Changing Concept -->
Changing the conventional way of thinking".

One lady lay on the table provocatively, the robber shouted at her
"Please be civilized! This is a robbery and not a rape!"

This is called
"Being Professional -->
Focus only on what you are trained to do!"

When the robbers got back, the younger robber (MBA trained) told the older robber (who is only primary school educated), "Big bro, let's count how much we got", the older robber rebutted and said, "You very stupid, so much money, how to count, tonight TV will tell us how much we robbed from the bank!"

This is called
"Experience --> 
Nowadays experience is more important than paper qualifications!"

After the robbers left, the bank manager told the bank supervisor to call the police quickly.
The supervisor says "Wait, wait wait, let's put the 5 million RMB we embezzled into the amount the robbers robbed".

This is called 
"Swim with the tide -->
converting an unfavorable situation to your advantage!"

The supervisor says "It will be good if there is a robbery every month".

This is called
 "Killing Boredom --> Happiness is most important."

The next day, TV news reported that 100 million RMB was taken from the bank.
The robbers counted and counted and counted, but they could only count 20 million RMB.
The robbers were very angry and complained "We risked our lives and only took 20 million RMB, the bank manager took 80 million RMB with a snap of his fingers. It looks like it is better to be educated to be a thief!"

This is called "Knowledge is worth as much as gold !"

The bank manager was smiling and happy because his loss in the CINOPEC shares are now covered by this robbery.

This is called
"Seizing the opportunity --> daring to take risks!"

A Little Girl’s Trust

Father and daughter 
A little girl and her father were crossing a bridge. The father was kind of scared so he asked his little daughter: “Sweetheart, please hold my hand so that you don’t fall into the river.”

The little girl said: “No, Dad. You hold my hand.”

“What’s the difference?” Asked the puzzled father. 

“There’s a big difference,” replied the little girl.

Father and daughter 
“If I hold your hand and something happens to me, chances are that I may let your hand go. But if you hold my hand, I know for sure that no matter what happens, you will never let my hand go.”

In any relationship, the essence of trust is not in its bind, but in its bond. So hold the hand of the person whom you love rather than expecting them to hold yours….