The Corpse Flower blooms only during three days every 40 years!

Common Name: Titan Arum, Corpse Flower, Bunga Bangkai
Family: Araceae
Country of Origin: Sumatra
Habitat: equatorial rainforests on limestone hills
Description: Amorphophallus titanum, the titan arum,
is a tuberous plant endemic to western Sumatra, where it grows in
openings in rainforest on limestone hills. Locals know it by the more
evocative name 'corpse flower' (bunga bangkai), because of the hideous
stench the fly-pollinated inflorescences produce.
Largest flower in the world; born in Estado Veracruz, México.

Río Blanco, Veracruz. Something unusual happened in this town in the high mountans in the center zone of the State of Veracruz with the apparition of the plant listed as the largest flower of the planet.
The largest flower in the world was born in Río Blanco, Veracruz, México. Two meters high and weighing 75 kilos, it has the peculiarity of blooming only during three days every 40 years.
titanum, also called cadaverous flower has the pecularity of blooming
only during three days every 40 years, a privilege that Mother Nature
bestowed on the town of Veracruz.